I grew up on the coast of California and spent most of the summers of my youth camping either at Jalama Beach or in Big Sur, these are the locations, as a surfer, where I was alway's chasing the perfect wave. Well, many years have gone by and as my surfing days have come to a close, what I have been chasing for more than a decade now, is the perfect light.
I will be teaching a photography workshop along the Big Sur coast this spring. This workshop is for those who are new to photography along with those that have been shooting for years. By limiting the group sizes to six or less and spending all instructional time in the field instead of in a classroom, allows me to work with photographers of all levels. Whether it's just learning to control your camera and geting more predictable results or learning to design a better composition, you have the opportunity to set the agenda and get the one on one time to improve your photography. We will be visiting McWay Falls, Garrapata, Point Lobos and more.
The price for this trip is 1050 with three nights lodging included or there are price options without the lodging so you can arrange your own. Feel free to write or call me to answer your questions.